Current Status
Not Enrolled

This class is a 4-hour class. You may take a break during the class, when you return to the course it will pick up where you left off.  Once you have completed all of the course material you will find a form to complete and enter your information. If you do not complete this form, we are not notified of your course completion and will not be able to send you the course completion certificate. Within the next 24 hours your certificate will be sent directly to the email you used to register for the course. You will need to email a copy to your insurance agent to earn the 10% discount. Within the form you will find a portion for you to select your agency or provide information for your agency. If we have this information, we can then send your course completion certificate directly to your agency. Questions? Contact us by email anytime and by phone 8:00AM to 5:00PM Monday through Friday. 

Note: When signing up for this course (if you have not already created an account), upon payment, you will receive an email with login instructions! Once you login you will have access to the course! If you did not get this email, please check your spam! 

Also, only one email address can be associated with each user. If you and your spouse want to take the course, you will need to both set up accounts and purchase the course separately. Don’t have an email? Sign up for one at Gmail (by clicking here) or at Outlook (by clicking here).